What is your avatar?[]
Your avatar is the character you use when you fight in the dungeon. You can interact with your character by saying various things to it (i.e. "Name me ______")
Creating a character (learn more about this in our basic walkthrough)[]
Creating a character is simple. When you start (I.E on your first game or when your character dies), the first thing that happens is getting your attributes rolled up. You roll 4d6 and take the 3 highest rolls, then assign them to attributes one by one.
The seven attributes are Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Perception. Each is described more on their respective pages (note: add pages detailing usage and advantage/penalty of abilities). After this, you roll up your health, which is equal to twice your Constitution +3d6. Finally, your gold is rolled up. You get 20d6 gold, plus between an additional 5d6 and 10d6 if you have a high Charisma or low health.