Alexa Dungeon Adventure Wiki

Wands are found in the dungeon. There are three types of wands, Lightning, Fireball, and Wonder.

All wands will eventually "turn to dust" but they all have different lifespans.

The wand of lightning shoots bolts of lightning that do between 6 and 36 points of damage. To avoid the lightning bolt requires a 14 or higher. 

The wand of fireball shoots huge balls of fire that do between 10-60 points of damage. To avoid the fireball requires a 16 or higher. 

Wands of wonder are special. Sometimes, things cast out of a wand of wonder are completely useless, such as flowers and streams of water, and some are extremely useful, such as fireballs and freeze spells. A total list of everything the wand can do: Streams of water, gas, flowers, gust of wind, spinning knives, freeze spell, weakness spell, slowness spell, lightning bolt spell, fireball spell, vulnerability spell.